Defense Logistics Agency DLA logo and Link to DLA website DLA logo and Link to DLA website DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DLA Land and Maritime Standard Microcircuit Cross-Reference
Lookup Table

The Standard Microcircuit Lookup Table is a condensed version of the Standard Microcircuit Cross Reference tables with complete sort and search functionality in Microsoft Access or Excel format. The data is also available for download in text format. The data provided with this table includes information found in QML-38534, QML-38535, MIL-HDBK-103, and additional information not provided by any of these documents. This table is intended to provide a near real-time alternative to the traditional hard-copy distributions of these documents.

Each of the .ZIP files indicated below represents a compressed archive file created with WinZip version 9.0 that must be unzipped (after it has been placed in the appropriate subdirectory) in order to expand the files that it contains. Included with each is a small text file containing a brief description of each field/column name in the table.


Data refreshed on 25 March 2024
Filename Representing When to Download
SMCR Microsoft Access version of Standard Microcircuit Lookup Table If you prefer a database format and are running Microsoft Access 2000.
SMCR Microsoft Excel version of Standard Microcircuit Lookup Table If you prefer a spreadsheet format and are running Microsoft Excel 2000.
SMCR Table Microsoft Excel hyperlinked version of Standard Microcircuit Lookup Table If you prefer a spreadsheet format with standard part numbers hyperlinked to the SMCR detail page. Note: The addition of hyperlinks slows download, opening, and other actions performed in this spreadsheet.
SMCR Comma-delimited text version of Standard Microcircuit Lookup Table If you do not have MS Office or prefer a raw data format.


Name Phone e-mail Responsibility/Expertise
VA Web Page Manager (614) 692-0533 Programming/Downloading
SMCR Database Manager (614) 692-0523 Data