Defense Logistics Agency DLA logo and Link to DLA website DLA logo and Link to DLA website DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY DLA Land and Maritime Qualified Manufacturers List (QML)/Qualified Product List (QPL)

Single Source Solicitations

Office of Primary Involvement:Passive Devices Branch (DLA LAND AND MARITIME-VQP)
Title:Resistors, Fixed, Wire-Wound (Power Type)
Federal Supply Class (FSC): 5905 (Resistors)
Specification contains quality assurance program:No
MIL-STD-790 Established Reliability & High Reliability:No
MIL-STD-690 Failure Rate Sampling Plans & Procedures:No
Weibull Graded:No
Specification contains space level reliability requirements:No
Specification allows test optimization:No

For more information on this QML, please contact:
Primary: (614) 692-1432, e-mail:
Secondary: (614) 692-0609, e-mail:

DLA Land and Maritime-VQ, Sourcing and Qualification Division, is seeking possible sources of supply for the following list of parts. Certification and Qualification requirements are set forth in the General Specification and applicable slash sheet. All sources of supply must be approved by the applicable DLA Land and Maritime-VQ Office of Primary Involvement.

Please direct any questions you have to the DLA Land and Maritime-VQ Primary or Secondary contact listed above.

1/ For more information about a National Stock Number please download the Public Logistics Data (PUB LOG) FLIS Search available at FLIS Search.

2/ The DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) is a web-based application that provides the capability to search for, view, and submit secure quotes on Requests For Quotations (RFQs) for Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) items of supply. DIBBS also allows users to search and view Request For Proposals (RFPs), Invitations For Bid (IFBs), Awards and other procurement information related to DLA. DIBBS is available at DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS).

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Government PN National Stock Number 1/ 2/
RW20V111 5905008288962
RW20V130 5905009138366
RW20V141 5905005567319
RW20V211 5905005567319
RW20V721 5905005567319
RW20V9R7 5905005567319
RW21V1R8 5905009453889
RW21V482 5905009453889
RW21V550 5905009453889
RW21V852 5905009453889
RW21VR18 5905009453889
RW21VR32 5905009453889
RW22V151 5905009508211
RW22V440 5905009508211
RW22V591 5905009508211
RW22V672 5905009508211
RW22V7R3 5905009508211
RW22V8R2 5905000680602
RW22VR17 5905000680602
RW22VR29 5905000680602